Tim Guerrette’s Vision for Collier County Supervisor of Elections: Ensuring Integrity and Accessibility

Tim Guerrette, a devoted public servant with more than 38 years of experience, has served as an Air Force Veteran, Law Enforcement Chief, and is currently running as a candidate for the position of Collier County Supervisor of Elections. Tim firmly believes in the importance of upholding integrity and accessibility in the electoral process. With a commitment to promoting SAFE | SECURE | ETHICAL elections, Tim Guerrette aims to inspire trust and confidence among the voting residents of Collier County. As a candidate for the position of Supervisor of Elections, Tim Guerrette is dedicated to achieving his goals, with a particular emphasis on fostering integrity and accessibility within the electoral process.

Tim Guerrette is steadfast in his commitment to enhancing the electoral processes in Collier County, with a primary focus on promoting transparency and accountability. His goal is to guarantee that every citizen enjoys equal access to accurate information regarding candidates, policies, and voting procedures. By fostering an informed electorate, Tim Guerrette seeks to empower voters to make well-informed choices and develop a sense of ownership and confidence in the election process.

In his role as Supervisor of Elections, Tim Guerrette will prioritize the security of the voting infrastructure in Collier County. He plans to implement rigorous security protocols to protect the voting process, increase regular hand counting audits and proactive measures that will enhance voter confidence. Tim Guerrette’s commitment to election security ensures that every eligible vote cast in Collier County is accurately recorded and counted.

Understanding the crucial role of voter education and outreach programs in upholding election integrity, Tim Guerrette is committed to creating extensive initiatives. His objective is to educate citizens on their voting rights, registration processes, and the significance of active participation in elections. By providing accessible and accurate information, Tim Guerrette seeks to eliminate barriers to voting and increase overall voter turnout. These programs will combat misinformation, ensuring that voters have reliable information to count on. Tim wants to ensure our elderly and vulnerable voters receive accurate information to safeguard them against victimization and fraud.

With external threats emerging, Tim Guerrette will be pro-active and dedicated to creating a safe environment for all polling locations and election staff. He plans to implement strict protocols to ensure polling places are safe and secure. In addition, Tim will make sure voting is easily accessible to individuals with disabilities and/or limited mobility. A top priority for Tim is to ensure a safe, secure, and welcoming environment for all eligible voters in Collier County.

As our next Supervisor of Elections, Tim Guerrette will establish a robust system of election monitoring and oversight. He will open the doors to observers and representatives to ensure fairness and transparency throughout the entire election

process. Tim Guerrette will conduct thorough post-election audits and inquiries to address any irregularities that may occur. His commitment to oversight will strengthen public trust and confidence in the electoral process.

Tim Guerrette’s candidacy for Collier County Supervisor of Elections is driven by a strong vision to safeguard the integrity and enhance the accessibility of the election process. By championing transparency and accountability, enhancing election security, ensuring voter education and outreach, creating safe and secure voting locations, and implementing robust election monitoring and oversight, Tim Guerrette aims to inspire trust and confidence among the residents of Collier County. His unwavering commitment to these objectives will help improve confidence in the election process ensuring that every eligible voter’s voice is heard and respected.

Paid by Tim Guerrette, Republican, for Collier County Supervisor of Elections