Teacher raises in Collier County begin Friday

Collier County Public Schools announces that teachers will see an increase in their paychecks beginning this week.

The starting salary for CCPS teachers has been set at $57,000.

The rise follows five months of discussions, according to a recent article by FOX4.

The extra compensation stems from the recently established Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Collier County Education Association and the District School Board of Collier County, which offers an increase for all teachers across both the performance and grandfathered salary schedules.

CCPS reports that the teacher salary increases for the 2024 – 2025 school year amount to $24 million, bringing the total to over $50 million in the past two years.

The school board approved the following items as well:

  • All employees in the CCEA Bargaining Unit, including teachers and other specified positions in the contract, will receive an additional $3,000 added to their base salaries, irrespective of their Salary Schedule.
  • An increase for Grandfathered Salary Schedule members ($1,320 Bachelor’s Degree; $1,500 Master’s Degree)
  • Additionally, there is a one-time $2,000 supplement for members on the Highly Effective Grandfathered Salary Schedule. All teachers on the Effective Performance Salary Schedule will receive three (3) incremental steps, amounting to a total of $1,320.
  • Furthermore, there are seven incremental steps for all teachers on the Highly Effective Performance Salary Schedule, amounting to a total of $3,080.

This article originally appeared on FOX4