Immokalee Road backwards letter confuses Naples drivers

Drivers in Naples are doing double takes after a traffic marking blunder on Immokalee Road resulted in a critical letter painted backward. Locals are now questioning how such an error could have occurred.

Ben Freeze stated, “They basically believe we’re dumb and oblivious while we’re driving. That’s my tax money on the ground right there—it’s awful!”

The error is located on Immokalee Road, east of the Tarpon Bay Boulevard intersection, according to a recent article by Madison Adams of NBC2. The word “ONLY” was supposed to guide traffic, but drivers soon discovered something was wrong: the letter “N” was painted backward.

Another Naples homeowner who noticed the error, Stephen Hart, observed, “This is what happens when you put your kids into the public school system of America.”

“If we can’t have people doing something as simple as that, it says a lot about our current state as a country,” says Jeison Batista.

Interestingly, all of the other “ONLY” signage around this crossing have been properly painted, making the backward “N” stand out even more.

We contacted the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to find out how long this has been there and if they are aware of the error. According to FDOT, they are investigating the situation and will provide us with a statement as soon as possible.

This article originally appeared on NBC2