Collier County has a significant increase in antisemitism

As part of a national upsurge in hate crimes, Florida saw a sharp increase in antisemitic events in 2018, according to a new audit.

Florida had 463 antisemitic assault, harassment, and vandalism occurrences in 2023, stated by the Anti-Defamation League, which has been monitoring these crimes since 1979.

That is the fourth most in the nation and an increase from 269 the previous year, according to a recent article by Ryan Kruger of Fox 4.

“We’re just witnessing an upsurge in antisemitism throughout our nation,” stated Sarah Emmons, ADL’s Florida Regional Director.

The ADL recorded the highest number of antisemitic occurrences in its history last year, with nearly 8,000 incidents nationwide.

That is a 140% rise in occurrences of hate.

“In actuality, these are demands for violence. That’s where we think it deviates into language that is antisemitic,” Emmons stated.

With 84 instances, Palm Beach County had the highest number in the state.

Conversely, Collier County experienced a sharp increase in incidents from one in 2022 to ten in 2023.

Bomb threats against various Jewish institutions in the Collier County area accounted for around half of that total. Furthermore, verbal and written harassment,” Emmons added.

According to the audit, there has been a threefold increase in antisemitic occurrences on college campuses over the past year.

“Since Hamas attacked Israel, antisemitic incidents have been more widespread throughout our nation. This figure applied not only to the entire country but also to the state of Florida.

This article originally appeared on Fox 4