The Red State Migration continues as Data Shows New York, California, Illinois Losing Citizens and Tax Dollars to Red States

Blue states like Illinois, New York, and California, which are overburdened with taxes and plagued by crime, are losing residents and tax revenue to red states like Texas and Florida.

Anyone paying attention to the crime, woke policies, and tax burden in blue states will not be surprised by the results of Wirepoints’ analysis of recently released Internal Revenue Service migration data. as reported by Margaret Flavin from The Gateway Pundit.

Based on tax returns submitted in 2020 and 2021, the information used.

This information is significant. In many states, the loss of a sizable section of the tax base has a cumulative effect in succeeding years. The consequence can be severe in states like Illinois that are dealing with significant public sector pension liabilities. According to Wirepoints, the state of New York “and when the state’s AGI losses are accumulated from 2000 to 2020, it totals $1.1 trillion in cumulative lost income that could have been taxed over the entire period.”
According to a survey from Equable Institute, Chicago’s key public pensions, which include the Chicago Teachers’ Pension Fund, municipal, workers, police, and fire pension funds, have a combined pension debt of around $48 billion, which is higher than that of 44 states.
Losers and winners

In 2020, Florida welcomed 699,000 new inhabitants (tax payers and their dependents), bringing in roughly $57.9 billion in Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). On the other hand, Florida lost 443,000 residents, which resulted in a $18.7 billion AGI loss. Florida gained 256,000 net new residents and $39.2 billion in net new taxable income, resulting in a positive net result.
Overall, the state saw a gain of 3.1 percent of its $711 billion AGI.

With an AGI income gain of $10.9 billion, Texas came in second, followed by Nevada with $4.6 billion. The final two places, North Carolina and Arizona, had net profits of $4.5 billion and $4.4 billion, respectively. (See Appendix for the top 10 human award winners.)

On the negative side, California experienced the greatest money outflow of any state in 2020. The Golden State lost a net of 332,000 citizens while losing a net of $29.1 billion in income, or 2.0% of its AGI.
Next, with a net loss of $24.5 billion and 262,000 individuals, was New York. With a net loss of $10.9 billion and 105,000 persons, Illinois came in third. With $4.3 billion and $3.8 billion in respective income losses, Massachusetts and New Jersey came in fourth and fifth, respectively.