Are you well off? The following is what Americans believe makes one wealthy:

The idea of wealth is a topic of debate, interest, and occasionally aspiration in the United States. According to Charles Schwab’s 2023 Modern Prosperity Survey, the average American associates prosperity with having a net worth of about $2.2 million.

Looking at the median or midpoint value paints a more fair picture, even if the Federal Reserve’s most current statistics indicate the average American household is a millionaire with a net worth of $1.06 million. The Federal Reserve’s October report indicates that the median net worth of all American households is $192,900.

But how accurate do Americans think their views of riches are?

Don’t overlook:

How much money have you saved for retirement compared to the average American couple?

How many Americans actually retire with $1,000,000 in savings? The percentage might shock you.

America’s Wealth: The Stats
Wealthy top 2%: The net worth of the richest 2% of Americans is approximately $2.472 million, which is in line with the survey’s assessment of wealth.

Wealthy individuals: Those in the top 5% have a net worth of approximately $1.03 million.

Wealthy 10%: The average net worth of the top 10% of the population is $854,900.

The data shown here shows a striking disparity in wealth between the richest and poorest Americans, with a significant rise in net worth required to pass from the top 10% to the top 2%.

Knowing Wealth Beyond Statistics
Not just the amount of money in your bank account or investment portfolio determines how you view and manage your resources. Here are some thoughts and strategies for comprehending and possibly achieving prosperity.

Spending and saving patterns: One of the cornerstones of building wealth is the ability to save, or to spend less than one makes. Developing sound financial practices such as goal-setting and budgeting can open doors to prosperity, no matter how much money is involved.

Living below your means is an important concept in a world where consumerism is pervasive. This could entail eliminating wasteful spending, such as cutting back on monthly subscriptions or eating out less frequently. These practices help you save more money and get ready for unexpected expenses.

Affording desires: Having the financial wherewithal to save and spend sensibly often enables you to purchase the vacation or new car of your dreams. Reaching financial objectives is a reliable measure of wealth.

Life objectives over financial gains: Being wealthy involves more than just gaining wealth; it also involves achieving one’s life goals. Having a clear vision is essential for managing a business, paying off debt, and setting aside money for retirement.

Getting ready for retirement: Having a strong retirement plan is a crucial component of wealth. This is figuring out how much to save and getting started early to lay the groundwork for your golden years financially.

Money as a tool: You can change your perspective on wealth by seeing money as a tool to help you live a better life rather than as a cause of worry. Taking small actions, such as setting aside additional money for high-interest debt, can contribute to a better financial future.

Flexibility and alternatives: Having options, such as taking time off for family, investing in a company concept, or picking up a new skill, is frequently associated with wealth. This adaptability is a key sign of prosperity.

An Imprecise Idea
Although in America, a net worth of approximately $2.2 million is considered the standard for wealth, it’s important to keep in mind that wealth is a relative term. Determining and attaining wealth requires sound financial practices and individual financial beliefs. Through a focus on prudent financial planning and the alignment of financial resources with personal objectives and beliefs, individuals can steer toward their desired level of wealth.

Financial advisors can offer specialised guidance and methods to assist in achieving particular financial objectives. People can successfully seek their own definition of wealth, which may include asset growth, retirement security, and other financial goals, by utilizing their knowledge.

This article originally appeared on Yahoo.