A Note from Collier’s Superintendent

We are off to a great 4th quarter! I know that our students and staff are motivated and staying focused as we near the end of the school year.
Congratulations to the student artists recognized at our Superintendent’s Art Gallery Reception! As I said in my opening remarks, this event is the one time a year that we use overflow seating as the auditorium is filled with parents, siblings, teachers, and school administrators supporting these young artists. It was truly an honor to stand with Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Elizabeth Alves, as we congratulated the students. The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Administrative Center was full of smiles and pride as students found their artwork hanging in the lobby.
Champions For Learning recently presented the distinguished Golden Apple award to six amazing teachers in surprise classroom visits. You can learn all about these amazing educators by watching the Golden Apple Special on NBC-2 on May 13 at 8pm. I am looking forward to joining our honorees at the 33rd Annual Golden Apple Celebration of Teachers Dinner on May 12. Congratulations to the 2022-2023 Golden Apple recipients:
Marlon Alfaro (Manatee Middle School)
D’Nai Bullen (Corkscrew Elementary School)
Sylvie Certa (Gulfview Middle School)
Anne Coots (Osceola Elementary School)
Ashley Crosby (Golden Gate Middle School)
Michael Gonzalez (RCMA Immokalee Community Academy)
March 23, 2023, marked 100 days since I was appointed as CCPS Interim Superintendent. My plan has been to listen intentionally, look at issues with fresh eyes, think creatively with colleagues, and act. In alignment with the priorities established, I have aligned academics and finance during the budgeting process to more efficiently allocate resources and set a course for improving the climate in our district by creating an open line of communication between and among all stakeholders. To learn more about actions taken, click here to read the 100-Day Report. Additionally, follow the Superintendent Search Process by visiting www.collierschools.com/SuperintendentSearch.
Make sure to take a moment to thank our wonderful volunteers next week during National Volunteer Week (April 16-22)! Everyone benefits when schools and volunteers work together to support learning. We extend our sincere gratitude to them for sharing their time, talents, and treasures with us. To learn more about becoming a CCPS volunteer, visit www.collierschools.com/volunteer.
Finally, mark your calendars for Teacher Appreciation Week (May 8-12). We look forward to celebrating our amazing teachers!
~ Dr. Leslie C. Ricciardelli
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