Trump hires Naples businessman to bring out vote in community

Does the route to the White House pass through Naples?

According to a recent article by Ryan Kruger of FOX4, former President Donald Trump has hired Casey Askar, a Naples businessman and former Congressional candidate, to increase voter turnout in the Chaldean neighborhood in suburban Detroit.

“I really think we’ll get the biggest turnout in the community’s history,” said Askar, who has lived in Naples for over two decades but has strong ties to his home state of Michigan and the Chaldean community.

Chaldeans are a close-knit community of Christians who speak Aramaic and can trace their roots back to Mesopotamia.

According to Askar’s research, there are almost 100,000 Chaldeans registered to vote in suburban Detroit.

“The Chaldean community had historic turnout for President Trump in the first election,” Askar pointed out.

In 2016, President Trump won Michigan’s Macomb and Oakland counties, two critical swing counties.

By 2020, he had lost both counties, Michigan, and the national election.

According to Askar, turnout among the Chaldean community will be roughly 50% lower in 2020.

“Trump lost Michigan by a somewhat slim margin. “If the Chaldean community had turned out and the auto vote had been more favorable to him, he would have won Michigan,” Askar stated.

Askar met privately with President Trump last summer to lay forth his objectives.

This article originally appeared on FOX4